Shallot – Zebrune

(4 customer reviews)


Shallot Zebrune seeds grow long, pink-tinged shallots with strong bolting resistance. Plant in well-drained soil and a sunny location.

Average Packet Contents: 300 Seeds


The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)

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SKU: J4-1230JBT Categories: ,
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How to Grow Shallot Zebrune


Shallot Zebrune seeds should be sown thinly 12mm deep into firm, well-drained soil in rows spaced 30cm apart. Avoid planting in recently manured soil and opt for raised beds if the ground is very wet. Germination typically takes 21 days. Once large enough, thin the seedlings to 10cm spacing.


Once planted, protect the seedlings from birds and insects by covering with netting or fleece. Water freely during dry weather, and if desired, feed the plants with high nitrogen feed as soon as the bulbs start to swell and again 5 weeks later.


Harvest 1-2 weeks after the leaves begin to turn yellow. Loosen the shallots from the soil with a fork and leave them to dry on the soil surface for 1-2 days in the sun. Once dry, remove the top foliage before storing.